dinsdag, mei 31

maandag, mei 30

zondag, mei 29

airplane window
the beautiful going
just a touch
not recognizable streets
looking inside
where people look for warmth
walls of glass
woman with umbrella
a pilar let me lean

dinsdag, mei 24

sólo para
enfermos de las prisas
amantes de la paz
conservadores de la castidad
la naturaleza y la silencio en extinción

zondag, mei 22

no promete lujos
ni reverencias
pero tampoco falta
el aroma casero

close Posted by Hello

looking inside Posted by Hello

zaterdag, mei 21

positive inside warm Posted by Hello

vrijdag, mei 20

the bars the streets
from what is ordinary
keep watch day and night
nightly situation

my work
a certain moment
every time new
but all the time alife

understandable madness
the action
a fast moving
my dilemma
every time a too real situation
no solution
it starts again

seeing myself
a mad
real depth
without sence
possibilities and impossibilities
concentration of chaos

familiar Posted by Hello

donderdag, mei 19

no hay lujos
ni detalles exquisitos para
pasar la noche
sólo la liturgia del silencio
una consideración familiar

woensdag, mei 18

a primera vista
cuando la arquitectura
no satisface las espectativas
lo mejor es consolarse
con otras virtudes
una casa puede merecer también
una noche en el cuerpo
por su emplazamiento
o por los coloros que
destila su atmósfera interior

maandag, mei 16

ouside light Posted by Hello

zaterdag, mei 14

donderdag, mei 12

dinsdag, mei 10

power inside Posted by Hello
un lugar encantador para estar
en contacto
con la naturaleza y la vida natural

informel Posted by Hello

maandag, mei 9

towering interior Posted by Hello

zaterdag, mei 7

this old house stands on the bank
of the river
in its own large park
at this point
the river marks the boundary
between two regions

donderdag, mei 5

inside warm Posted by Hello
this elegant town house is
at the edge of the old town centre
the garden is walled
ensuring privacy
and although one hears
the bustle of town life
it is not intrusive

woensdag, mei 4

maandag, mei 2

su fuerte no es
la decoración de las habitaciones
ni la calidad del mobiliario
pero las vistas son
the discerning traveller
escaping from the hectic pace
can enjoy
the leisurely unsophisticated
for the nature has been generous
in this region with its
deep forests
clear waters

zaterdag, april 30

vrijdag, april 29

nature has been hostile
to the house
with rain and creeping vegetation
penetrating the walls and the foundation
the roof leaks
the walls are turning green with mold
the floors are buckling
termites are devouring the wooden frame

I have cared for this house
with great affection
I will keep doing all that I can
but I cannot deny that I need help
time is of the essence
to save this house

dinsdag, april 26

zondag, april 24

vrijdag, april 22

Posted by Hello

human study
Posted by Hello

woensdag, april 20

open spaces
Posted by Hello
imagine coming home every night
a place where you could retreat
from the hectic world
this house could be described
as timeless
well of the beaten track
